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Tertiary Program
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Past Events
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Establishment of Young Entrepreneurs Development Council (YDC)
Launched the first Entrepreneurial Workshop
Launched the YDC E-Challenge (EC)
-Launched the School-Company-Partnership Program (SCP)
-A winning team of EC participated in “Stanford Global Entrepreneurs Challenge 2002”
A winning team of EC secured venture funding from Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation to set up Sengital Ltd.
SCP received 3 years funding support from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust
-Revamped SCP into the School-Company-Parent Program with adding the parent element
-School-Company-Parent Program received 3 years funding support from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and obtained the support by Family Council
-EC received funding support from the Innovation and Technology Commission
-EC partnered with HSBC for the HSBC YDC Young Entrepreneurs Challenge
-Launched the first Parenting Workshop of School-Company-Parent Program
-Launched the Life Planning Co-operation Program (LPCP) and received 20 months funding support from the Home Affairs Bureau
-EC participated in ITC InnoCarnival and exhibited at the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park
-Launched the Mind Way, My Way® Life Planning Program as a continuation of LPCP and received 24 months funding support from the Home Affairs Bureau
-Revamped EC into Dare To Change Business Pitch Competition (DTC) and received funding support from the Innovation and Technology Commission
-School-Company-Parent Program launched the junior program
Launched YDC SCP– JC InnoMind® and received 3 years funding support from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust