YDC SCP Program - JC InnoMind®

YDC InnoMind® Competition

  • Introduction
  • Event Schedule
  • Results
  • Enrollment


  • About the Competition

    YDC believes that the creativity from secondary students is unlimited.  They are also capable of presenting their ideas but they lack a suitable platform to demonstrate their abilities.  With the experience we gained from tertiary business pitch competitions, the InnoMind® Competition is newly launched in 2017 to encourage secondary students to research, develop and present their ideas properly.

    The InnoMind® Competition aims at inspiring students to think creatively for solving problems and encouraging them to put their creativity into practice.  It offers students a valuable chance to showcase their innovative and business ideas in front of seasoned executives.  Winning schools will receive cash sponsor to organize an exchange tour or extra-curricular activities for students, which enhance their knowledge on the society and increase their exposure to the world.

    Finalists will receive one-to-one guidance from business professionals and be given instant feedbacks by seasoned judges.  This will be a valuable starting point for youngster to develop their business plan and build their network.

  • Competition Format

    In the preliminary round, all participants are required to submit a 3-page proposal and a 3-minute presentation video.  10 teams will be selected to progress to the final round and be paired with a seasoned entrepreneur or mentor, who will provide adequate support and professional advice throughout the entire preparatory road to the final.

    The finalists will give a 5-minute presentation in any form and have a 10-minute Q & A session with the final judging panel.  All results of the competition will be announced at the Closing Ceremony of Young Entrepreneurs Development Council School-Company Parent Program – Jockey Club InnoMind® in July every year.

  • Eligibility and Entry Criteria

    ·   InnoMind® Competition is open to all secondary school students in Hong Kong.

    ·     Each school should only have up to 10 teams to join the competition.

    ·    Participating teams must consist of 1 to 4 member(s).  Each team may draw members from different forms.  Team members are not allowed to join more than 1 team.

    ·    Each team should nominate a team leader to be responsible for keeping the team’s information.  The team leader will also be the point-of-contact with YDC.

    ·      Each team should submit the 2-page proposal and the 30 seconds to 1 minute presentation video before the deadline.

    ·       Preliminary judges will select 10 teams to proceed to the final round.

  • Enrollment

    Register an account and submit your 3-page proposal and 1 3-minute presentation video before 31th May 2020.

  • Prizes and Awards

    Best Entrepreneurship Award

    · $10,000 cash sponsor for school activities or exchange tours

    · $5,000 cash prize for the awarded team


    Best InnoMind® Plan Award

    · $10,000 cash sponsor for school activities or exchange tours

    · $5,000 cash prize for the awarded team


    Best Social Impact Award

    · $10,000 cash sponsor for school activities or exchange tours

    · $5,000 cash prize for the awarded team


    All finalist teams

    · $1000 book coupon


    *Award-winning schools are required to meet the criteria for the sponsorship, please kindly contact us for more details.

  • Judging Criteria

    Time to show your true qualities. A good proposal and presentation contains many sound elements that mark it out as a quality proposition. But judges will be looking closely at all aspects of the teams with a keen eye on to finding the business ideas that are destined to make history.

    1.      Innovation and Creativity

    2.      Entrepreneurial and Passionate

    3.      Social Value

    4.      Execution and Practicality

    5.      Presentation Skills

  • About the Competition

  • Competition Format

  • Eligibility and Entry Criteria

  • Enrollment

  • Prizes and Awards

  • Judging Criteria

Event Schedule

  • 011/12/2021 - 11/2/2022 - Online Registration

    All participants are required to submit the application form with teachers' approval and signature to YDC by email and mail on or before 11th February, 2022.

  • 0211/2/2022 - 1/4/2022 - Document Submission

    All participants are required to submit an online application with a 3-page proposal and a 3-minute presentation video on or before 1st April, 2022.

  • 03April 2022 - Preliminary Round

    10 teams will be selected to progress to the final round.

  • 04May - Jun 2022 - Mentorship Program

    Each finalist team is paired with a seasoned entrepreneur or a mentor, who will provide adequate support and professional advice throughout the entire preparatory road to the final.

  • 0525/6/2022 - Final Pitching Day

    Each team will be given 5 minutes for the presentation in any form and immediately followed by a 10-minute Q & A session with the judging panel.

  • 06July 2020 - Award Presentation Ceremony

    All results of the competition will be announced at the Closing Ceremony in July.


  • 2018
  • 2019
  • Champion

    Let's Move

    Learn More

    1st Runner Up


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    2nd Runner Up


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  • Best Entrepreneurship Award


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    Best InnoMind® Plan Award

    Handy & Intelligent

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    Best Social Impact Award


    Learn More

Come join us at
YDC InnoMind® Competition

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